In modern society, many men and women are interested in magic, philosophical theories, esoteric practices. It is known to use various objects for magical rituals. But in fact, physical carriers or devices are by no means the main or even a necessary condition for achieving the goals set for the ritual. The basis for the magical change of reality is the word through which the mage expresses his will and intention. The conspiracy for an amulet and a talisman, a love spell, a protective whisper, an affirmation are all examples of verbal magic. In one article, it is impossible to tell all kinds of word control at once, so today we will consider one aspect of oral magic: we will tell you how to speak different objects correctly. But we will definitely return to this topic in the future. Don't miss out on new posts!
Conspiracy for an amulet and a talisman: for prosperity, fortune, protection
The market is sensitive to demand, so there is a collection of magic for every occasion in almost every bookstore. People buy almost magical literature in the hope that it will help them solve various problems quickly.
Unfortunately, in practice it is not that simple. Even if the author knows what he’s writing about, it’s not enough to simply tell the conspiracy printed in the book. At the very least, you should have a general idea of how to talk about a talisman in order to attract luck, money, or love, for example.
Conspiracy is an art that has been available only to the initiates for centuries: mages, wizards, healers. However, most of the wizards were illiterate, so they did not have a list of spells. But for a wise man, this is not a problem - if you know the basic rules for compiling magic texts, you can easily make them for each specific case. In choosing such a tactic, the practicing magician takes into account all the nuances of the problem addressed, which undoubtedly reinforces the rite and makes it more accurate.
The essence and structure of conspiracies

Magical texts are written in a special language that has its own rules and patterns. A correctly written conspiracy consists of several parts:
- Introduction. The first sentence prepares the person for magical action, puts him in the right mood. In Christian culture, conspiracy often begins with a call to the Lord.
- Start. In the conspiracy of Slavic amulets, there is usually a descriptive part that mentions a certain place of power where the main action takes place: Alatyr stone, sea-ocean, high mountain, island of Buyan. The speaker will tell you how to leave your house, what difficulties you will face along the way. All these mythical places are at the meeting point of the worlds. If you feel the meaning of the text, you may notice different physical feelings: chills, heat, tingling.
- The essence of the spell is actually the formulation of the requirements, the will of the wizard. Here we say clearly what we want. Sometimes legendary creatures or forces of nature are also called in here to enhance the magical effect.
- Tack. This section confirms the magical part of the text. Usually, at the end of the conspiracy, words are heard as if they would close the work from interference, external influences ("key", "lock"), or confirm the will of the magician ("so be it").
It’s no secret that sometimes even an accidentally discarded sentence becomes prophetic. A word spoken at the right time and under certain conditions has an even greater capacity for materialization.
Basic rules for reading conspiracies
There is an opinion that all spells can be read from a piece of paper and the magic words still work. This is not entirely true. From the page you can read the conspiracies you made yourself, you invested your energy. In other cases, the energy saturation of the text occurs only during the memorization phase. The best solution is to read the plot in remembrance, but keep the minutes in front of your eyes so that you can peek: you can’t stumble and get confused while reading.
Other rules you can follow to successfully speak an amulet for luck or wealth:
- Some magical lyrics should not be uttered aloud but in whispers. It’s not as simple as it seems - the words should flow evenly, without hesitation, meaning the whisper doesn’t stop when you inhale or exhale. If there is no such condition in the description of the rite, the conspiracy is pronounced loudly, clearly, confidently, and slowly. Some of the spells are uttered aloud, on the verge of a scream.
- Compliance with lunar cycles is an important condition for success. Talismans, to attract success in various areas of life, tend to speak to the rising moon.
- The best time to cast a spell is from dusk to dawn. This is when most people sleep, the energy information field is cleared.
- Unless otherwise indicated in the description of the ritual, the text is read facing east.
- Many of its rituals are performed outdoors. If there is no way to exit, at least you need to open the window.
- Before the ceremony, take a shower, remove body jewelry, and wear clean clothing without fasteners and a belt.
- Try to provide yourself with an environment where no one can disturb you: turn off the phone, turn off the ringer.
- A firm belief in magic, in your actions, is a prerequisite.
- When you turn a trinket into a magical object, you need to focus as much as possible on the end result. Imagine the work of a talisman. For example, imagine how a magical assistant protects you with an invisible shield, or imagine your wallet full of large banknotes (the image is selected depending on the tasks assigned to the amulet).
The control of the senses plays a special role in magical exercises. During rituals, it is strictly forbidden to divert attention, think about foreign things, or take a job without suppressing negative emotions. For example, if a defender is talking about an amulet, first get rid of the feeling of injustice or anger that is directed at the perpetrator. The amulet needs to be saturated with a completely different kind of energy: a sense of human strength, security, self-confidence.
What items can be talked about
Not all items are suitable for the honorary role of a talisman or amulet - there are certain requirements for those who carry magic programs. First, the thing you choose should be small in size to take you comfortably with you. Second, keep in mind that energy charging does not hold well in plastic or synthetic materials, so you should choose a carrier made of natural materials.
Today, in the age of industrial production, anyone can buy any symbol in a specialty store and talk about it on their own. But you can make an amulet out of wood: make a wooden plate and put a magic sign on it.

Many people prefer to saturate their jewelry with favorable energy, and there are those who use completely ordinary, everyday objects for this purpose: pins, scarves, buttons. For example, the Key talisman is very popular with artisans.
Talisman conspiracy for luck (for your favorite little thing)
To be lucky in every case, you have to choose something that you use often or can always take with you. After waiting for the moon to arrive, light a wax candle closer to midnight, pick up the object, and read the plot twelve times:
"The moon is reborn, its power awakens and goes straight to me. My luck (to mention one thing) cannot be torn, just as the Moon never separates from the sky. Following my luck to follow and do very good! Amen! "
It is recommended to repeat this simple ritual in each new moon to renew the energy charge of the talisman.
Good luck amulet made of stones and minerals
Many natural minerals have special properties such as attracting financial flows, developing luck, intuition, and a business acumen. Chrysoprase is considered the best "lucrative" stone, but you can use carnelian (suitable for creative people) or citrine (in difficult living conditions).
How to talk about an amulet for money and good luck:
- Rinse your chosen pebbles with running water to clean up the energy leftovers of the people who took them in front of you.
- light three green wax candles at midnight
- after reading the plot three times, put the stone under the pillow all night
The text reads as follows:
"Mount Abraham, the power of Adam, I turn to you, I know the power of the Almighty! Do not reject me, a servant of God (name), in service. As the serpent putteth off his skin, so will I plead my leanness, my poverty, and my homelessness forever. Morning wind, you pick up and take my misfortune to distant lands. And thou shalt bring before me the royal palaces, a good horse, and mountains of gold and silver. Let my word be strong! Key, lock, language, amen! "
The amulet can also be worn as a keychain or phone pendant. Some people prefer to use the stone without a rim and then hide it in a wallet or purse. Women most often wear jewelry adorned with glamorous stones.
How to talk about a gold ring for luck in every case
Rituals with gold objects are among the most effective, as gold has long been considered a metal endowed with great magical power.
How about a talisman of luck in everything? It's not hard at all. Buy a gold ring and wrap it completely in wool. It is strictly forbidden to tie a knot on a thread. Now buy a candle in your right hand, light it, and read the plot:
"The tit lived on the other side of the sea, building a nest there. He found the ring in the sea and brought it to me. I will decorate, dress, I will be useful to good people. Every secret secret shall be opened unto me, every door shall be opened, and all things shall be in my word. Amen! "
The ring can then be worn on the finger immediately and worn as a standard piece of jewelry. And you can only wear it on special occasions when you need support from above. This ritual is suitable for both women and men.
Now you know how to properly perform an action on an amulet and a talisman. And you don’t have to ask the master for help - you can make your own personal amulet if you want. We wish you much success!